The Cosmic Show!

Russell Brand's False Enlightenment? Is He Corrupting Christianity? Are Palestine Protests Preparing Us for Gaza Refugees in the USA?

May 01, 2024 CosmicMarauder
Russell Brand's False Enlightenment? Is He Corrupting Christianity? Are Palestine Protests Preparing Us for Gaza Refugees in the USA?
The Cosmic Show!
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The Cosmic Show!
Russell Brand's False Enlightenment? Is He Corrupting Christianity? Are Palestine Protests Preparing Us for Gaza Refugees in the USA?
May 01, 2024

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#RussellBrand #Christianity #gnosticism #enlightenment #luciferian #freepalestine #USA #campus #university #Gaza #biden #refugees

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Hope is Eternal

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#RussellBrand #Christianity #gnosticism #enlightenment #luciferian #freepalestine #USA #campus #university #Gaza #biden #refugees

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Hope is Eternal

Speaker 1:

Well, hello, hello, hello everybody. Welcome once again to the Kazakh Show. I'm your host, the Kazakh Rotter alongside Mars Bars. What's up, mars Bars? How's it going, hey?

Speaker 2:

Great, I'm doing great. How are you?

Speaker 1:

Not too bad. How's life around that little Slow southwestern store Busy?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Mayday no, it's pretty quiet actually.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're all getting ready For the protests, huh.

Speaker 3:

I guess, I don't know what's going on.

Speaker 1:

Apparently that shit's supposed to revamp tonight, so immediately after this I'm going to go down there to UNM and see what's going on.

Speaker 4:

Oh crazy, Take a little bit of footage.

Speaker 1:

They don't recognize me anymore or they're just pretending like they don't. I don't.

Speaker 2:

Why aren't you just go setting up a tent?

Speaker 1:

Because I don't want to get killed. I don't want to be mistaken for a fentanyl or a homeless or nothing. I don't want to be no confusions on that. Hands up, Don't shoot. Officer.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm good, I'm an American citizen, like you say when you're crossing through the border checkpoints. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I did that last week.

Speaker 1:

It's like my favorite thing as a kid. We used to like get excited to do that with my grandma. I think we got too excited because one time they they searched her ass. You can't be that enthusiastic to say they're, they're like.

Speaker 2:

What are these kids on ma'am?

Speaker 1:

These kids are too white, they're being trafficked. Anywho, we're going to cover some of the protests around all the campuses. It's amping up, it's quite remarkable. But first I should tell you guys hey, what's up, good Dan. First I should tell you guys hey, what's up, good Dan. I should tell you guys I'm pulling or I did pull all my lives from YouTube. I'm getting a little bit paranoid, but it's an election season, you know. Just thought I'd go ahead and redo the channels now. So on YouTube you will find my IRL streams, like where I'm out, walking about town or when I'm traveling, or this or that. Don't expect grade a content there, but the chats are always the best.

Speaker 2:

I really like the live stream. Those are really fun. I like those.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'll be doing the art walk this Friday too, so that'll be exciting once again. And to all my audio only podcast followers nothing's changing for you guys, it's all the same, and the podcast is going to be hosted here on cosmic radio on rumble. Oh, wow. Other than that, we do have open lines again. Uh, uh, one, five, oh, five, three, three, seven, oh, six, three, one, one, five, oh, five, three, three. 505-337-0631. 1-505-337-0631. Good, dan is asking me if I could post the YouTube link. I'm pretty sure if you find my username right here, cosmic Broader, you might find my links to my YouTube there. Or you go on YouTube and search for the Cosmic Show. It's like, really easy to find. Let me go ahead and share the screen. Actually Might find. Let me go ahead and share the screen. Actually might as well. Just go ahead and share the screen. Make it easy for you to see some youtube pulled up. I'm not hearing audio, hello.

Speaker 1:

I love this is being slow, I think my internet please make sure to like, subscribe and share the show.

Speaker 2:

Uh invite your friends to watch and uh come on and join the uh cosmic family.

Speaker 1:

Oh, good job. Thank you for pivoting and covering for me. I'm back.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, I think I left too for a second there, so my bad no, it's, it was weird.

Speaker 1:

Something weird happened okay but anywho, let's try to share this. Like I said, I would post the link, but I can't comment directly to Rumble, so here's the website at the top. But you know, you're there when you find the Cosmic Show at Cosmic Marauder youtubecom. Slash at Cosmic Marauder, capital C, capital M. And yeah, the most recent thing I did was more of the pro wrestling, which is getting really good and bad quick, like they're getting some new dudes doing it and they're one guy fucked up a lot. It was so funny.

Speaker 1:

It was very funny, but anyway, we got to start covering something more topical than that. What do you want to start with? Well, I got a couple of things actually already pulled up. Whoops, sorry, let me go ahead and share the screen now. I found a Twitter video downloader, so we're going to cover a couple of things actually already pulled up. Whoops, sorry, let me go ahead and share the screen. Now. I found a twitter video downloader, so we're going to cover a couple of random tweets. This one made the rounds again after like three years ago. Um, one of the more bizarre videos I've ever seen. You remember this one where they saved the kidnapping children, or the kidnapped children?

Speaker 2:

from the house and then the police set the building on fire. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I thought that shit was nuts. Was it like a?

Speaker 2:

supposed accidental fire or.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they didn't know exactly how or why it was caused.

Speaker 4:

No, oh, they done pulled the van up the door so they could sneak a shit out.

Speaker 1:

They sneaking shit out.

Speaker 3:

No, I wish I lived in a black neighborhood.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes Mexicans don't gather out in the neighborhood when things happen.

Speaker 2:

I've never seen anyone do this it's like it's incredible.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying incredible think about when the last time something like that has happened here but it's usually around the protest stuff, I think right, I thought it was hilarious that at the protest here at unm, I think 11 of the 16 arrested weren't even students at all. I'm like of course, of course they're not students. Dude, george Soros man, antifa's rebranded.

Speaker 2:

I wonder if they're all being represented by the same attorney.

Speaker 1:

Dude, I've learned that a few representatives are actually on boards of some of these organizations. I'm like what?

Speaker 2:

That's funny.

Speaker 1:

You have to do your own research. I'm like what the hell?

Speaker 2:

That doesn't make sense.

Speaker 1:

It always ends up eating the left alive. They always create their own demise. If conservatives and libertarians and all that could just learn to they always create their own demise. If conservatives and libertarians and all that could just learn to stay down with their own way, they would self-immolate. But we can't. I don't even know what I call myself anymore. I definitely don't think I'm going to vote nationally. What do you think? Are you going to vote nationally? I might vote for some local stuff, New Mexico stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, or last time I voted, I voted for, like Bonds.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I did that too.

Speaker 2:

Library bond.

Speaker 1:

I voted straight Republican, just out of anger. I'm like well, I know everybody's Democrat here, so I'll just vote the opposite on everything, just to cause a little bit of chaos.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But I didn't feel good about it. Didn't feel good. All right, let's check out the last few of this.

Speaker 5:

They all in that van.

Speaker 4:

It's kids coming out in handcuffs.

Speaker 3:

They snuck these motherfuckers out of here. They kidnapping these motherfuckers, yeah, yeah I love it.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, one of my favorite things to revisit. We never got any follow-up from that story. Does anybody have a follow-up? If you do, please post it in the Rumble link. I can pull it up from my end. I just can't chat to you. I can see all your chats, just so you guys know. Have good dancing. Greetings, my friend. If you post the youtube link, I think he's found it. He's already subscribed. Hell yeah, I actually might have a really great chance of getting monetized if I just cleanse my channel like I just did and do some cornier streams dude, I'm gonna have to while I'm not bragging yet, but I'm almost at like 4500 views on my like monthly instagram um numbers.

Speaker 2:

So that's pretty cool, and one of my videos went up to like uh I don't know 4 4,000 views, 4,100 views I mean, I know these are like rookie numbers, but no, you barely started trying to do any video content, so that's pretty good. So I just learned I'm learning today how to monetize that, but I don't fully understand it yet Instagram is weird.

Speaker 1:

they take a pretty big cut facebook and meta, I think yeah, I mean there's like four.

Speaker 2:

There's several ways to monetize so you can like just have an ad pop up after your video or like before, or you can like be selling something directly, or you can be an affiliate, or, or you can be making like, uh, instructional videos or courses. Or then it gets into all of that stuff where you like make, uh, make like courses almost for different topics that maybe you know about. Um, seriously, you can like yeah, yeah, huh, or, and then I guess I mean you can sell like digital products on there to say like, uh, a lot of them are like do finance, because finance is so like people follow it all the time, so just do like you could do like a downloadable, like checklist, a wealth checklist, or just like stuff that's easy to make. You make it once and then you like have a link to buy it or whatever. But I don't know, I do that shit for you.

Speaker 1:

You can literally do that for you yeah, yeah, it's getting quite incredible, man. I have to say I love chat gpt. I think it's still the gold standard.

Speaker 2:

Even the free version is like yeah awesome yeah well, I saw a video the other day where someone was like I ai will enable the first, like like sole proprietor individual, like making a billion dollars off of like one idea, and I was like whoa that's pretty insane to think about yeah I just wonder how long I'm gonna have to do this shit before I get monetized.

Speaker 1:

I think I'm gonna do this like 10 years. I know it's not what I do. It's crazy to see everybody else like just get there and I'm just like, and I'm not the kind of guy to go kiss ass and try to suck up to like bigger creators, right, but my friends love doing that on Twitter.

Speaker 3:

And I hate.

Speaker 2:

I really resent that they were all like they were all like I don't know, like Q, Q level, I was going to say like B level, like creators, but they're not even like b level, they're like all the way down you're really harsh on a lot of youtube creators um I mean, I'm not I. You know I've made like 10 videos or whatever, so I'm. I'm even lower, but I would want to bet that you've probably been on 30 shows by now, right?

Speaker 1:

oh, wow, no, that's like almost half a year, of sure.

Speaker 2:

I don't know I may be cumulatively like over the few years. Maybe I came on a couple times here and there. You know yeah before, but the regular shit is.

Speaker 1:

It's a lot more fun to me. It's hard going by yourself all the time. You have to like really talk your ass off right that's why so many of my shows are scripted early on, like the big topic ones, like I really want to get back into doing that somehow, but I just got to find the motivation to do like a set like write a script saturday no, it's a lot more work yeah, yeah and I had the time with it with the other job, but with this job it's like really unpredictable right like it just depends on the day.

Speaker 1:

Then I'll just start getting blowed up at like six or seven pm, you know right right anyway I digress before we get to our next video. What do you think about this idea? There's a new, like false, spiritual awakening happening right now, particularly with like christianity in the right wing. Is there anything to that in your opinion, or is it all good just the word of christ getting out there? Do you think his message, the message, is getting mixed up with some like Gnosticism, pagan shit sometimes?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think, uh, yeah, that's like the main thing that's happening right now is like uh, or in Donnie Darkin keeps talking about it like over and over, but I so far, like everything he's written I pretty much agree with, I think. But he talks a lot about that. Or he was talking about Russell Brand the other day, about him getting baptized, and then he was like just to let you all know he's getting baptized, but this dude's like you know it's Russell Brand.

Speaker 1:

It's hard to get him to the greek.

Speaker 2:

Seriously, yeah, it's really hard like that's a funny movie it is a funny ass movie but right, no, he's funny. I mean, he has his place, he's, you know. But yeah, obviously, and that well, and then the next day, russell brand is like doing tarot cards on his show and donnie darkened is like you shall know them by their fruits, because not by their, their acts or whatever, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's you. Can you kind of literally call the next video I wanted to share oh shit, yeah, so we're going to watch the tarot video. I didn't want to share the baptism thing.

Speaker 2:

I haven't seen it, I just heard about it.

Speaker 1:

A little bit past it, but I want to. Yeah, I want your analysis on it. Wish Mel was there to watch this with us to give her opinion. Oh wait, hold on, that's the wrong one. She's our Jamaican Tria pagan expert, because she's a woman. I'm just kidding Mel.

Speaker 5:

Kidnapped and held hostage by some railings. That can't be good news, can it? The old kidnapped and held hostage by some railings card that's good. That means you are going to get a new puppy. Like it's not gonna be that is it? Well, actually, we've looked into it and this symbolizes. This card is called the eight of swords and it symbolizes feeling trapped and restricted, perhaps by your own convictions, self-imposed barriers that can be shed with an open mind. Do you feel trapped? Are you in a state of anxiety and fear, and can you remove the blindfold to become free? I'm interested, I suppose, in the intuitive reactions one might have to Taro.

Speaker 1:

Right off the bat. That reminds me of some Masonic shit. How they're blindfolded when they're going through the little ritual. What were they talking about? Was he talking about balconies and chains, or something?

Speaker 2:

I didn't even see what the card was. What card was it?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's kind of hard to see, huh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Let's go back to. Maybe this might help us see better. Not that, no, it's like glistening, it is. Let's just oh.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there it is Okay.

Speaker 1:

The railings, let's just. Oh, there, it is Okay.

Speaker 5:

The railings, let's go ahead and just replay it.

Speaker 2:

Oh those are swords by some railings.

Speaker 5:

That's not good news, can it? Oh, it's the old kidnapped and held hostage by some railings card. That's good. That means you're not going to get a new puppy Like it's not going to be. That is it? Well, actually, we've looked into it and this symbolizes this card is called the Eight of Swords, and it symbolizes feeling restricted, perhaps by your own convictions, self-imposed barriers that can be shed with an open mind. Do you feel trapped, crikey? Do you feel anxiety and fear?

Speaker 5:

And can you remove the blindfold to become free. I'm interested, I suppose, in the intuitive reactions one might have to tarot, particularly as I move into a more clearly delineated spiritual space with a more clearly ordained path, ie a lot of Christians say that tarot, and even yoga is a kind of heresy. What's your? Personal view on that you still use stuff like this and the eaching? Do you still look out for symbols and signs as you move further down halfway one?

Speaker 1:

thing when you get something like that it does serve as a tool he never knows anything about what he's talking about. That's like my least favorite thing about him. I'm not going to lie. If I go to the Turkish festival this weekend and they want to fortune, tell me I might record that I know it's paid.

Speaker 2:

You got to do the coffee grounds, I think.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, something like that. Oh yeah, that's what it is. It is the coffee grounds. Remember when those Iraqis did that in Madrid to us? Yes, they told me I was going to be rich.

Speaker 2:

They didn't say when.

Speaker 1:

That's true. I mean I would take by 65. I would take it.

Speaker 2:

That's cool.

Speaker 1:

I would be very grateful and patient.

Speaker 5:

You know, just let me know you know, out there, big guy and personal analysis because, yeah, I do feel if I remove the blindfold or let the scales fall from my eyes, I would see more clearly what the path is. You know, I read today, I think, on hallow, and you know it's an app that I use you, motherfucker.

Speaker 1:

Now you're catholic. Now he's going all the hell out.

Speaker 5:

You're just everything, bro or meditation.

Speaker 1:

It's absolutely beautiful that I think he thinks getting baptized just gives you a free pass to like stomp through every branch of Christianity or something it's like. What a great new grift.

Speaker 2:

I know yeah.

Speaker 1:

You gotta admire it right? He's kind of like the kosher Dom Lucre.

Speaker 2:

That's funny.

Speaker 1:

Way more accepting than Dom Lucre, dom Lucrere just way late to the game.

Speaker 5:

god will that's funny you hear stuff like that and it sort of makes a bit.

Speaker 2:

It's funny how you paused it right there too and like dom's been like hyping this video on youtube and he's doing that in the picture. Did you do that on purpose?

Speaker 1:

no, I I have. No, that's funny, it's called synchronicity baby it just happened I believe in that shit heavily, like, like. I'm not like psychic per se, but I feel when shit's happening sometimes, guys, it it's very disturbing. It's like some Donnie Darko shit. I'm like the planes. I see the plane, it's coming. Watch out for the sea plane All the familiar faces want out.

Speaker 1:

Oh god, the worst news I've heard recently is that there's some kind of revamp of that like a like part two yeah, I don't know if it's gonna be a prequel or a post or a sequel, I guess, but yeah, okay I actually worried about now.

Speaker 5:

I'm worried about this attack, I'm worried about this aspect of my family life, this aspect of my family life, this aspect of my personal partnership. You know, like, how do I focus on god? Well, I suppose what that means is I have faith, I trust, I remove the blindfold and see that the pathway of god is the only pathway he just wants to be a mason, bro, that's why he has to believe in a. God, and I know what.

Speaker 1:

God's principles are Service, kindness, faith, hope charity gratitude, acceptance, surrender it's not the Rotary Club, fucker.

Speaker 2:

He's wearing a shouting. Saturn symbol on his shirt. On his shirt it's like a.

Speaker 1:

And he has the Kabbalah bracelet hmm, oh that you talking about that, yeah, that little Saturn Saturn if I'm not doing that stuff, then no wonder I'm my Vedic astrologer told me I'm going to have mad beef with Saturn my whole life. Oh no, I think he's right, dude wow, there you go. Vedic people are like kind of Satanists, but not really. It's very confusing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is confusing.

Speaker 1:

I don't even want to get into that talk. We could do our own separate show just talking shit about the Indian Ayurvedic peoples that we work with.

Speaker 2:

That would be a whole episode. We'll have a special for that.

Speaker 1:

You really had a that's like a locals thing Maybe, where we just talked for 30 minutes about Punjabis.

Speaker 2:

Oh no.

Speaker 1:

We'll title it that too.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But you got to subscribe to the locals. It's only like two bucks a month, I think. Dude, my locals is super cheap and I haven't posted anything on there in like over a year, sadly. But I learned through Rumble Studio. If I could ever get that shit to work, I could simulcast to Rumble and locals so I could have, like the first 30 minutes be live on locals and it'll just end and then the stream keeps on going.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's cool I just gotta figure that out. I gotta figure out how to use that appropriately, because I could only do five 30-minute streams a month, I think on Locals, until I get more followers, unless they change that rule Alright. Sorry, guys, I digress from the topics today, but I'm kind of chatty. A lot of shit's happening in the world but kind of like, this is a more light-hearted episode, I think feeling anxious.

Speaker 5:

What do you think about that? And are you happy with hybrid modalities where you're able to meddle in occultist arts? I I mean, is that a pentagram? I'm not sure what kind of star that is, but there's some questions.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure it's a pentagram. I'm not positive bro.

Speaker 5:

Woo. I heard Duncan Trussell once say Alrighty.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Any conclusions or thoughts, anything. Most noticeable thing for you?

Speaker 2:

Um, I guess the problem is just like or this is like Unitarianism, or which I think is going to lead to like the one religion. That's what this is. This is like it's like a light version of every religion or every practice, right, because it's like well, I'll just, I can like pick and choose from everything and like I can be like oh okay, amethyst crystals are healing for blah, blah, blah, or you know like using crystals it's like witchcraft. I think it's akin to witchcraft, or tarot, I guess is too, because you're almost like. You're, it's like almost close to summoning in a way, because you're like opening up yourself. So you're not supposed to like open yourself in that way. I would be Like a super Catholic Explanation of it, but I think Other Christians are starting to see this too when, like it's a thing where the devil will tell A hundred or ninety nine truths To slip past One lie. So you have to like look at everything with discernment and really heavy. What is the word called Specul?

Speaker 2:

Speculation yeah skepticism yes, that's what I mean. Um, be very skeptical, as I would say, I guess, I don't know, I oh, and to go back to really quickly, just uh, kind of to finish summing up, coming up Donnie Darkin's thesis. He's, he's basically saying the beast system is what is happening now and then, but it'll actually be the antichrist that is going to save us from the beast system. Okay, so it's like this false. That's where that false enlightenment, false light comes in, because it's like, oh, we need a human that will redeem us from this servitude and slavery.

Speaker 1:

Like 101, basically Right.

Speaker 2:

And Bully Boy. He's here to trust. He basically says we just have to trust Christ.

Speaker 1:

Bully Boy is saying it's Christianity becoming a blended religion with the occult. So do you. So this is why I think Ivor, he's a long time follower of the channel. He's been following us for like at least three years, Like one of the earliest people to really support us.

Speaker 1:

But he's been following us for like at least three years, like one of the earliest people to really support us. But he's been saying this from the beginning, even with other folks that I used to like and follow. But he was like this is narcissism. And I'm like what wait, what's narcissism? He's like go to the wikipedia and just start there yeah, yeah start looking at narcissism.

Speaker 1:

And it was these like tribes of essentially like gypsies that were roaming out in the desert between whatever the europe in the middle east and they, um, they were sorcerers. They didn't believe some really crazy like um, early occult theology might have been influenced by some egyptian stuff, might not have been, but they really tried to like, they definitely like. Our apostles I don't think were a part of this kind of like sex or anything, but they definitely wanted to infiltrate, like immediately after. So there's a lot of the early christian period, I think, from 200 to 400 ad, where there was a lot of like. I guess I would say crazy shit, quote unquote like thrown in there, the church trying to rectify, and I think a lot of that was some of that Gnosticism, I'm sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think the the craziest um, because I I've been, I was kind of like I've been listening to um. What's his name? Static in the attic, have you?

Speaker 2:

ever watched him, so he has been posting a lot of stuff like this recently, where he is doing like breakdowns of the Bible and he's hit one of his like most inflaming and probably heretical things but with and is a very Gnostic like approach to the Bible. Um, is the theory that, like there's two gods writ being written about in the Bible and he, he said, he's like Jesus. The God that Jesus refers to is God, but he's like the God of the old Testament was actually like a demigod and that's why he was so wrathful and killing people, like every other story, just like genociding, like entire nations.

Speaker 1:

That's that's literally behind, like the folks that are skeptical about like early judaism and the talmud and ball like.

Speaker 2:

That's why they're really skeptical is because of this idea right here, right, yeah, so, yeah, that I mean I was kind of getting into it for a little while. But then I was kind of reading some of donya darkin stuff and I was like, oh, ok, ok, I get it, I get why this? Why static in the attic is still being pushed a little bit like he puts a lot of videos up, but he's growing in subscribers and I was like, okay, maybe, well, I think I like Donnie because he he's like super opinionated, but I don't know he's not like in your face as much. I don't know, he seems more chill you have to click on his shit.

Speaker 1:

You have to click on it and read. You have to like click on it and read it if you want to engage with it and right you're either going to be interested or agree with it, or you're just going to be an absolute hater. But he triggers a lot of big accounts yeah and he's never shied away, like he's never straight from the course yeah, he's a great commenter.

Speaker 2:

Like I noticed that he'll like pick an account that's like kind of big and like go do like a five paragraph comment on it yeah, I would really like to have him on the show one day yeah, that would be.

Speaker 1:

He stays pretty anonymous, like he like when I've seen him on. He'll basically turn his camera off, but he'll engage right, I think he'll 100 do this show. I bet you he would do this show that would be cool that would be cool.

Speaker 1:

I'm really um, I guess the final thought on this this doesn't have to like be ended shortly or anything but, um, you mentioned that this is going to be the end goal, right? So there was a lot of really big um, this is going to be the end goal, right? So there was a lot of really big philosophers in the seventies, eighties and nineties that always like talked about this clash of civilizations between the West and Islam, you know, and they always mentioned Christianity, judaism and Islam coming to some kind of like breaking point and they predicted, like our time. So it's like, is this a prediction? Or like a prescription? Like what? What is this? Is this something that they've been plotting this whole time? Or is this something that is to try to make it seem organic, right? Like I, really there's really no indication to me that it's organic and they are really trying to bring the whole world, via globalism I think it's like a moderate consensus to where everybody's like more trusting the state, they all more engaged in the system, everything's well connected enough, and then from there they're going to like bring on this universalism, spirituality that's already taken hold.

Speaker 1:

Most Christians that are polled. They don't have Christian views. The average American is closer to atheism than true Christianity, and they've been really good at it in the United States. I don't know how this is going to play out in the rest of the world, but I think it's going to be a lot of conflict. Tiller's consensus Right.

Speaker 2:

That's my final thought on the anything to add on that I guess maybe just like a question, like or the thing that most confuses me is and maybe you too because, like, one of the main things they talk about or Donnie is starting to talk about is like obedience to like, or he's starting to talk about like people who are sovereign and the whole like sovereign movement is about like being like Lucifer and like going, going, like basically going against your government, and all governments are installed by god and are approved by god.

Speaker 2:

So if the government is exists, then it was it, even if it's corrupt. He said even if it's um corrupt, you still are. The government comes under god, so you still should follow. I mean not that I'm breaking any laws or anything, but you should still like, do everything um, where where's the line of obedience? Or like what at what point? Right, because I didn't do jabs, you know, like was that I? Was I out of line there? Like, or like, at what point are you like? No, like, absolutely not. So it's just it's kind of confusing, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'll be right back with my answer, but I want to grab something as a display really quick because I have something that's definitely relevant. It's one of the favorite things I've read recently. Cool, we've got to give another shout out to Bully Boy. You bully boy on rumble. He is saying both of you are over the target, very advanced thinking. That's why I always enjoy listening. Cheers, man. That's amazing, dude. Thank you, um, you should, if they can really think that and like. Thank you for saying that, but you should go to spotify and find the show on Spotify and try to give me a five-star review. I don't think I'm at two and a half stars yet because the general populace they come across it they're not ready. They're not ready for it. But I think it's really funny because one of my favorite things I even talked to you about is this book called Good Neighbor, baddest Citizen Reflections of the Core Social Conflict Revealed by Jesus' Way of the Cross, by Dominic.

Speaker 1:

Scarcella. So that's why I always have been pushing this kind of like Christian anarchy, kind of voluntarist thinking.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You mentioned that Donnie Darkin suggests that might be some kind of aspect of like false Christian Gnosticism as well and to that extent I think that's kind of like the really big, like it's eschatological question at this point. Eschatology means like study of the end of the world. So it's I'm at that end. He must endorse in israel and must endorse the coming of the conflicts to come and having their antichrist be risen in order for right, everything is to beat the beast system, but like he would have to be in favor for that, if that's what he truly thinks right.

Speaker 2:

And then where do we like which, I'm going to ask him. I, I thought of that this morning. I was like well, where do you like cool, the beast system's coming like, so do you just like comply, you know that's so but yeah, I definitely want to ask him about it, what his view is on that dude, I think that's one of our best uh conversations we've had on here that was a good one russell brand that motherfucker dude thanks, thanks

Speaker 1:

triggering you are triggering, sir let's start to cover some protests, shall we? And I and I got some very. I think I got a couple of very funny videos to start this shit's nationwide. We're going UCLA to fucking Columbia University and we're going to take a stop at UNM and look at the video that happened and I'm going to go check it out tonight, folks. So if there's a crowd at all, I'll be trying to live stream or I might do an upload. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Oh nice.

Speaker 1:

I'll try to judge the connection. How much people are there if anything's happening and make a judgment call? Executive decision. And I also could go for some Frontier tonight, bro, I had eaten all day today and I could use a double burger with bacon. Yum, some cheese and onion rings. That place is delicious dude, you can eat like a king, like for 20 bucks. You can feed like three people that's true if you're really hungry, though, you could do that yourself dude.

Speaker 2:

I got a shout out um tiny's burger shack in Carrizozo, new Mexico. No shit. We went there yesterday and they didn't have any specials. But Melissa was just like are there any specials? Because we've been there before and got two for 12 cheeseburgers and fries. And then the server's like I'll go ask, and then they gave us a special. I was like no way if you're in carrizozo new mexico, go hit up tiny's.

Speaker 1:

It's delicious and they have free pool and carrizozo means crossroads in english for you white people out there does it and it does, oh yeah, and I really enjoy like I can't believe I really didn't appreciate that part of the state more. But since I've had like I'm not going to say I've had better cars recently, but I've been able to maintain my cars better recently and able to drive around the state and, holy fuck, is it so much fun to drive from like Albuquerque through that area to Carlsbad it is one of the best drives the desert is much more enjoyable in a dependable car yeah, but it's not even desert.

Speaker 1:

Though you go from mountain high elevation, it stays high elevation down to the rose. I think to the rose is like 4 000 feet above sea level yeah, yeah carrizozo, it's like, goes up to seven right high plateau and then it just stays at that seven to eight all the way through lincoln. Then carlsbad's still 3800 yeah but it's.

Speaker 1:

It's a great drive. You hit all kinds of forests and mountains, but I gotta go to silver city and start doing trc, I think, and the gila wilderness. That's the one area I've never explored oh yeah, that's nice. That's nice cliff dwellings excellent in silver city uh, gila oh okay yeah, I I have a lifelong dream to see a jaguar in the wild in new mexico no, there's a few of them there's like two or three of them I want to see it get that shit on camera. We'll do a live stream with it.

Speaker 2:

Be like it's just like eating your internal internal.

Speaker 1:

Well, you hire an illegal immigrant film guy.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And he's shorter and fatter than you, right, right, so you can get away.

Speaker 2:

That's the cheat code. That's pretty good. If Grizzly man had that, he'd still be alive to this day Right, I would put him in a cage at least, but the film guy in a cage, I don't want to see him die I think he was still dying in a cage with the grizzly bear, some sort of like armor cage I watched that again recently in my sister's house.

Speaker 1:

I watched that again recently in my sister's house over. Easter Grizzly man. I watched like half of it. Have you ever watched that with Werner Herzog? No oh my god dude, you would love it okay the end it's like an all timer for work, like he's known for this movie. Basically, I mean you know how great he is right.

Speaker 2:

But like you got me. No, I love him he's so good he's funny, I like has he has like a bit of a sense of humor he's pretty witty and he's not very political.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't really take stances, he just like, keeps like a sense of wonder. I think like and that's what I like about it's like a sense of wonder yeah, he has.

Speaker 2:

He's like a perfect documentarian for that yeah, yeah, all.

Speaker 1:

One of my all-time favorites. Well, speaking of documentarians, we gotta credit this person. I'm not sure who, uh, who filmed this, but we got drone footage. They're doing some serious preparation at these protests Mars, I just want you to know we got drone coverage.

Speaker 2:

Is this UNM?

Speaker 1:

This is coverage of the hand-to-hand combat. No, this is California somewhere. I wish I knew right now exactly where. But what they're doing and I'm not even joking, because this happened at UNM they're giving people like an hour or two trainings on these protest tactics and they just go do it. It's like a seminar or a dojo, if you will Like. You just go and learn a technique and then you go try to apply it immediately.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, now go beat someone up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, alright, don't take over the sub, alright.

Speaker 3:

Don't take it over guys there's a.

Speaker 1:

Chick-fil-A. There's a Sonic in there, there's a satellite coffee. You guys are gonna need all this, right it's? I'm kind of. I kind of have a delight in this. I know you do and I just want you to check this out this is our Occupy right dude. Occupy was a little bit more badass, but it was a honeypot, barack.

Speaker 1:

Obama honeypot the shit out of us, right? He united the world. The United States was so unified after Occupy and they just like quashed it so ruthlessly. You had libertarians, conservatives and progressives all on the same page Crazy, completely all the same page.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Completely all the same page.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you remember that.

Speaker 1:

No, I do, I do it was very exciting to be in college during that time, Like super exciting. I'm like, oh yeah, we're going to do it. Like Bernie Sanders is going to win and they just obviously screw him the next two times.

Speaker 2:

That's so funny.

Speaker 1:

Oh man yeah, two times. That's so funny. Oh man yeah, poor bernie. I wonder if he actually did that essay or not. I don't know, I don't know that's kind of hard for me to believe in my opinion, like just to be gut and that's not like the old marxist in me like poking through. I just think that's that might be a little much, I don't know. I don't know. Very sad what they did to Bernie. Bernie was a good man. Okay, I told y'all Hillary was dirty.

Speaker 2:

He was a hard worker.

Speaker 1:

Y'all kept playing ball. I don't know. Now look what's happening. Anyway, I want to learn their ninja tactics. Anyway, I want to learn their ninja tactics. I want to learn like. I wonder if they use like Muay Thai or Jiu Jitsu or wrestling. Let's see how they train hand to hand combat at this new occupied movement. We don't get much audio in this. People look at all the shadow boxing new Occupy movement. We don't get much audio in this. People Look at oh, they're shadowboxing. Oh, no, they get prepared to shadowbox. Oh, get him, fuck him up. Oh, sweep the leg. All right, who's next? Oh, that was some of the shittiest pretend fighting I've ever seen, even if it was only 1, 8th speed.

Speaker 2:

That is a lot of people. Is that a QR code? Who do?

Speaker 1:

you think is supporting this when? What are you?

Speaker 2:

talking about the arrangement of the tents.

Speaker 1:

God damn it. And does it take you to Cabela's, or does it take you to REI, where? Does the QR code, take you when are all these tents coming from for real?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Clinton Foundation. I tell you, cabela's, if you're doing this, this is fucked up, but I know you guys got a pyramid. Do you know that? They own the Memphis Pyramid now and it's like the nation's largest, cabela's?

Speaker 2:

I thought it was a Bass Pro Shop. It's a Bass Pro Shop.

Speaker 1:

Ah damn, it Is this a Bass Pro Shop QR code.

Speaker 3:

Right, Demi is this a Bass Pro Shop. Qr code Right.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited to go look at UNM now. Just a lot of colors, pretty peaceful right now is this?

Speaker 2:

no, this isn't live. This is like yesterday.

Speaker 1:

Do you want to?

Speaker 2:

go in on a live look right now.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I mean, it's not going to be this. Good, we kind of get the point on this. Do you want to go in on a live? Look right now.

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I mean it's not going to be this. Good, we kind of get the point on this, we might have a. I mean there's something going on in New York and it's getting nighttime over there. You never know.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Let's check it out. I already seen a couple earlier. Oh, here we go, they're removing protesters on UT Dallas campus. Oh snap, that's the first one I saw. Just a quick check in. I won't keep you too long. Try to hit the hour.

Speaker 2:

Maybe hour 10 mark Mars yeah, I think that should be good how soon do you got to go? I messaged the lady to see if she would pick up. Lee, can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I messaged my lady to see if she could pick up the kid so I might be able to stay a little bit longer. I think she said yes, so I have like 20 minutes, we'll see what's happening. Can you hear me?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yes, we're good now. Okay, cool.

Speaker 1:

We're doing a live check.

Speaker 2:

Dallas man, this shit is crazy.

Speaker 1:

No audio man. There's a lot of headscarves going on in.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Dallas. I know it's not random. They imported a bunch of people during the afghan withdrawal and now biden's. It's being rumored to relocate gossens, which is like the other headline in my show. We haven't even watched a video on that yet.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We already took in like 10,000, 20,000 Afghani refugees in New Mexico I think, and then we had like a serial killer for a second.

Speaker 3:

So crazy Do I mean, do we?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I mean probably several. At this point they're not even counting homicides Correctly. So, who knows, who knows? What's really happening right now. Mexico is terrible man. It's really happening right now. Mexico is terrible man. It's really bad right now.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's going to trickle down to the conservative areas eventually, yeah, and they're going to get pissed off. They're going to be like, oh hell, no, we're bolstering them straight to Albuquerque. I'm like, damn it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't know where they're going.

Speaker 2:

They must be hiding them in the cities.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's always the cities.

Speaker 2:

I did see some like Q post the other day, though, where they're like, oh, the migrants are coming to the country now. I did see some like Q posts the other day, though, where they're like, oh, the migrants are coming to the country, now they're being sent out with you know. Blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

Are you ready for this acting exercise, this drama event right here?

Speaker 2:

Is this a commercial?

Speaker 1:

this is performative cosplay with the blindfolds, as russell brand talked about earlier. Okay, oh yeah, if you try good tie-in. Let's just see what's going to happen.

Speaker 3:

Your entire fucking family is going to be wiped off.

Speaker 2:

The fucking registry. Oh my goodness, this is terrifying.

Speaker 1:

This is what happens when you let women organize protests.

Speaker 3:

It always looks like this I'll fucking tell you Document this, tear you. Document this, fuck you.

Speaker 1:

My favorite thing.

Speaker 2:

I did not see this today.

Speaker 3:

Last one Die. It's really hard. I'm sorry she put on fake blood. Oh no, oh no.

Speaker 1:

Let the liquor helmet fall to the ground. Prince, they dead.

Speaker 3:

Uh yeah.

Speaker 2:

They die. They shouldn't have gotten over there.

Speaker 1:

Should have never went to college.

Speaker 3:

You're right, you're right, they were cut out for college.

Speaker 1:

Holy, that's so funny to me.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh my God, am I a terrible person for laughing so hard at the youth's dreams? They haven't seen, they don't do anything?

Speaker 2:

Do they do anything that creative at like the UNM one, or is that like?

Speaker 1:

the last time, they just like marched down to the duck pond and gave a bunch of speeches, right, I don't know. And well, we're actually going to see what they did yesterday, which got the 16 protesters arrested. So we're going to see the incident right now cute up.

Speaker 1:

You're always, we're always on the same little wavelength right here. So this is why I gotta go down there and see what the hell's happening tonight. Guys, I've been checking it out on YouTube. But my show on YouTube just so all the moderators of the content, peoples that watch me on these platforms know it's going to be a political journalism, humor. It's humoristic journalism.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to take any political stances anymore. I'm so fucking tired of it. Quite frankly, I like talking about politics, but I think, if you guys know me, I don't take that strong of a stance anymore. I mean, I know what I believe, but I'm not going to convince you and battle you anymore. I'll hear you out, though I think any skepticism is warranted. But if you're just like I love Biden, maybe that's the line, maybe that's the line. So I kind of empathize with the Palestinian protesters. I'm not going to lie Like in my opinion it might be the morally right position to have, but they're so fucking annoying and believe in such terrible other things. And everybody just knows that it comes with a whole package of ideas, like if it was just Palestine, israel be so much easier to get behind, but it's so divisive because it puts everything else around it right in my opinion, yeah, it's a subtitle because it's like Palestine subtitle.

Speaker 2:

Because it's like Palestine subtitle them.

Speaker 1:

Everything else.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Whoa take it easy. Oh, Remember, the owner of Rumble might be a Jew, okay.

Speaker 2:

No, not them.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Them they Okay.

Speaker 1:

I'm so confused now. This is what happened less than what half a mile for me, so we're gonna go check back in on this tonight. I can't stones throw a stone's throw away. Do you know? I walked by there my massage shirt and nobody oh no noticed, nobody noticed they can't read they well, they're not in college. 11 of the 16. We're not in college, so right, of course you can't read now.

Speaker 2:

There's no I didn't realize my shirt was doing crazy things with the.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's, nice Very.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Of you. Is the subway there now? Yeah, unm's gone to shit. It's over. Get rid of UNM. There's a subway If you got a subway in your food hall. Over it's over for you, bro.

Speaker 2:

What was?

Speaker 1:

Jason's Deli, just like not available, yeah. Or what's another great local deli around here? I mean, there's not too many of them anymore.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

They actually killed out the local delis. For the most part, I used to like times square deli baggins.

Speaker 2:

Do you ever go to baggins?

Speaker 1:

they're good. What's that place that was up there on martin luther king? Do you know what I'm talking about? No, when. They're kind of like an institution, like almost a university, but not quite on Martin Luther King, and it was like retro style.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I think I did go there once. There was like an apartment on top of it or something.

Speaker 1:

Probably that's the style in that area. Anyway, let's continue. Look at the sign right here UNM divest disclose. Declare. Okay, cute little duck on it, I like that wait.

Speaker 2:

So they are camping in the sub, or they were okay, so they're camping in the sub.

Speaker 1:

Or they were Okay, so they're at the Duck Pond camping until the state police has to clear them out from time to time.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But the other night they marched down to the sub and occupied it Because everybody was trying to occupy stuff. And today is known as May Day, so it's rumored that all these places are going to be going at once. Oh, so that's why I'm going to go down there.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Just to make all the dots for everybody, because I know it's not always clear sometimes. Right, look at that riot gear.

Speaker 3:

Wow, all right, let me see.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I'll do one more protest video.

Speaker 2:

This is elsewhere.

Speaker 1:

It's where, mace? I think this is Cali or New York. Now no, it's UCLA. Sorry, ucla, he got fucked up. That's always funny. Let's see where this video is from. Like I said, he's a Twitter downloader, so I can't quite tell. Look at that. They're fighting. These are protesters that counter protesters. Now.

Speaker 3:

That's funny man Go over here Do that again More pepper spray based.

Speaker 1:

I support like. The only thing better is like when people versus preds pepper sprays, pedophiles that try to attack him. That's like the only thing better to me. I'm just kidding, that's me that Pepper spray sucks.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I've never really had some. I accidentally handled my mom's pepper spray in her purse once as a kid because I wouldn't steal shit from my mom's purse, but I was a rummager. I always just I looked through shit just to try to find shit. And then I came across my mom's pepper spray once and I touched my eye. Afterwards as a boy I was like I didn't go tell my mom. I'm like Mom, let's fuck it around in your purse. I touched my eye and I touched the pepper spray.

Speaker 3:

And I'm crying. It's rough.

Speaker 1:

It's so funny, but I did have a new. Before we watch our last video of the night and thank you to everybody who's hung in there this long. Make sure, if you want, there's a last chance to call in 1-505-337-0631, repeat 1-505-337-0631. But I'm starting to think that what better way for the United States to try to play peacemaker, or like at least in the news as peacemaker, than to go support Israel right, monetarily, militarily, etc. But locally or domestically. You start driving pro-palestine protests nationwide and then you start accepting some of these palestinian exports in return as just like a perfect psychological operation. Am I too crazy?

Speaker 1:

I think you're too right did you ever think of that before? What were you thinking? Did that occur to you? I didn't know about that until today.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I've just been like why, why are they bringing so many people in? Mostly, like, I just keep asking that question because I don't want to like believe that they're bringing them in to be like a military force. I don't want to believe that, or even not a military force, just a force of chaos would be even worse.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I think for use of force that's like a 10, 20 year plan, if it's chaos instant.

Speaker 2:

Right right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Let's check out this last video. It's entitled entitled White House considering options to allow some Palestinians from Gaza, as refugees documents show, from face the nation. A great thing about the show only being on rumbles. I could share YouTube videos and not get stricken on YouTube. Ha ha, checkmate, checkmate, checkmate, checkmate. Fair use Exists somewhere.

Speaker 3:

CBS News has obtained internal federal documents that say that the Biden administration put a. Internal federal documents that say that the Biden administration could allow some Palestinian refugees to enter the United States. They've got people looking at Gaza, he said. Toya Galvez was the first to report this scoop. Camilo, what do we know about this plan and who exactly it would apply to?

Speaker 4:

what do we know about this plan and who exactly it would apply to? Errol? The Biden administration for the past weeks has been discussing several and welcome some Palestinian refugees fleeing the war in Gaza. That is according to internal documents that we obtained here at CBS News. We know that one of the plan involves officials now vetting refugees in Egypt. These are Palestinians with American citizen or resident family members who have been able to get out of Gaza and vetting them there in Egypt and then processing them into the US under the traditional refugee resettlement program.

Speaker 4:

Another proposal Errol involves getting additional Palestinians out of war-torn Gaza and then processing them again as refugees. We understand that this potential eligible population is fairly narrow and relatively small, but they would come to the US through the refugees status and that would allow them to access permanent residence here in the us. It would place them on a pathway to us citizenship and also, importantly, would make them eligible for refugee or settlement benefits, including food stamps and housing assistance just just know he's reporting from el paso texas crazy just note that, like for real.

Speaker 1:

Are you just telling us that you're going to ship them through El Paso? Like, is that what you're saying?

Speaker 2:

Right, I mean it's funny because, hypothetically, if they got the numbers, Sorry, go ahead If they got the numbers low.

Speaker 4:

Camilo, the plight of these refugees has really Sorry, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

If they got the numbers low enough, they could just move the whole country. Like how many people are there now In Gaza? Maybe like 2 million.

Speaker 1:

Easy under 10 million for Gazans.

Speaker 2:

What are they doing Right? Oh my God, easy under 10 million. For what are they doing right? I mean, that's me playing like devil's advocate somewhat, but it's also like crazy how few there are left. This is terrible.

Speaker 1:

I don't understand it. This is just it's like Israel's whole existence has been to be this like wedge between civilizations and I. I mean, there's probably something incredibly mystical about that fucking place, man, like there's a reason why everybody wants to control it. I don't know, I don't know all the answers, right, but holy shit, yeah, it's nuts reason why everybody wants to control it. I don't know, I don't know all the answers, right, right, but holy shit yeah it's nuts captured international attention, any sense of how many people were talking about anything more.

Speaker 3:

You can tell us about how this program would work?

Speaker 4:

yeah, again, we do not have an estimate on how many people would potentially come to the US under this program. It is still very, very early on and the administration has not made a final policy decision, lana. But there are significant operational and logistical hurdles for the administration to implement any of these proposals. The first one is that right now it is very difficult, as we all know, to get people out of Gaza due to the war there and the restrictions that Egypt and Israel have placed on people leaving. It is also very important to note that any of these plans would require the consent and collaboration of the government in Egypt, which so far has not allowed large numbers of Palestinians to leave Gaza. So that is very important to note that there are many logistical open questions, if you will, still the administration would have to answer and tackle. But we do understand that if these plans oh my God, Shut the fuck up, dude.

Speaker 1:

We'll go ahead and end it right there.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Obvious for a reason.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know, it's scary, I guess, or or it's funny, I get. The funny part is it's like showing all these protesters like fucking shit up, and then it's like, oh, by the way, we're gonna bring the people that they support here to help them.

Speaker 1:

Perfect timing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I love it. Synchronicity Are we a police album right now? What the fuck? Remember that Only the hits.

Speaker 2:

I am not Sting.

Speaker 1:

You are the Sting of the show, fuck you. Anyway, you guys, I'm going to go ahead and let Mars off the hook. Thank you so much for tuning in Keep your eyes out for a YouTube stream in 10 minutes or so, potentially, and hasta luego, bye-bye.

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